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Logistics Center in Fischamend, Austria

Sustainability, durability, and energy efficiency. All these factors and more came into play when making the decision to construct our iLogistics Center in Fischamend, which opened in September 2018, completely out of wood rather than the typical metal.

In total, 4,200 m³ of timber were used. Every cubic meter of wood which replaces other building materials reduces the CO₂ emissions in the atmosphere by an average of 1.1 t. In addition, timber constructions are massive carbon reservoirs: 0.9 t of CO₂ are stored in every cubic meter of wood. For the 4,200 m³ of timber used in the iLogistics Center, this results in a total CO₂ reduction of 8,400 t. 

Key stats

  • 12,250 m² of total area
  • 24,500 pallet slots
  • 2,000 m² of operative handling area

In 2018, we were awarded the HERMES Verkehrs.Logistik.Preis in recognition of the innovative contributions the warehouse made to the transportation and logistics industry. Additionally, the iLogistics Center received the DGNB Gold certificate for sustainable logistics buildings, issued by the Austrian Sustainable Building Council in 2020.