Kontakt Flappe öffnen

Правна изјава (правно соопштение)

Cargo-Partner Headquarter GmbH
Airportstrasse 9
2401 Fischamend
T: +43 5 9888-0

Окружен суд: Корнеубург
ЦЕО: Tihomir Bajci
Рег. седиште: Фишаменд
Рег. број на компанијата:
Company Reg. Number: ФН 419589 v
УИД/ДДВ ATU73100002

Правно известување и услови за употреба

Содржините на веб-страниците на Карго-партнер се авторски права на Cargo-Partner Headquarter GmbH ГМБХ © 1999 − 2023 и се обезбедуваат врз основа на „како што е“ и „како што е достапно“.Информациите може да се променат или ажурираат без претходна најава. Карго-партнер, исто така, може да направи подобрувања и/или промени во производите и/или програмите опишани во оваа информација во секое време без претходна најава.

Меѓутоа, не смеете да дистрибуирате, менувате, пренесувате, повторно да употребувате, објавувате или да користите кој  било  од таквите материјали за јавни или комерцијални цели, без експресна писмена дозвола од Карго-партнер. Сите авторски права и други комерцијални известувања содржани во преземените материјали мора да се задржат.

Со поднесување пораки до кој било од нашите сервери преку веб-страницата на Карго-партнер вие се согласувате дека:

  1. материјалот нема да содржи ниту една ставка што е незаконска или на друг начин непогодна за објавување;
  2. ќе користите разумни напори за скенирање и отстранување на вируси или други загадувачки или деструктивни карактеристики пред да поднесете пораки или документи.


Нашите понуди се базираат на цените, тарифите и девизниот курс (без обврска до склучување на договорот) валидни на датумот на понудата. Преземениот бизнис подлежи на стандардните услови и правила на шпедитерoт во земјата каде што договорениот шпедитер има свое  престојувалиште во валидна формулација. Периодите и датумите на испорака се читаат без обврзување (обврска). Ние не сме одговорни за каснења или казни од каков било вид. Патниот превоз може да се замени со воздушен или поморски товарен превоз во делови од договорената рута. Во никој случај нашата одговорност не смее да ги надмине границите определени со Варшавската конвенција, Конвенцијата од Монтреал, ЦМР (CMR), ЦИМ (CIM) или со Б/Л услови. Доколку писмено не е договорено поинаку, фактурите се доставуваат по приемот. Сите трошоци кои произлегуваат од неплаќање паѓаат на трошок на клиентот.


Business undertaken subject to the General Terms & Conditions of cargo-partner resp. General Austrian Forwarders' Terms and Conditions (AÖSp) in the valid wording.

Wir arbeiten ausschließlich auf Basis der Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) von cargo-partner sowie der Allgemeinen Österreichischen Spediteurbedingungen (AÖSp) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung.

District Court: Korneuburg
CEO: Martin Schenzel 
Reg. Office: Fischamend
Company Reg. Number: FN 80791 k
UID/VAT ATU16818905

Business undertaken subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Freight Forwarding in Bangladesh

Business undertaken subject to the General Belgium Forwarders' Terms and Conditions in the valid wording. The text of those conditions has been published in the Annexe au Moniteur Belge dated June 24th 2005 under number 05090237 and is available free of charge upon request. Download
RPR BRUSSEL, VAT No. BE0887434390

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Business undertaken subject to the General Bosnia and Herzegovina International Forwarders' Conditions.
Preuzeti poslovi su u skladu sa Opstim uvjetima poslovanja medjunarodnih speditera Bosne i Hercegovine.

Business undertaken subject to the standard trading conditions and standard warehousing conditions issued by the Bulgarian national forwarding association NSBS Domicile: Sofia
District Court: Sofia
Company Reg. Number: 9746/2003
UID/VAT BG131142625

Business undertaken subject to the General Conditions of the International Freight Forwarders Association of Croatia, commercial court in Zagreb
Domicile: Zagreb
District Court: Zagreb
UID/VAT HR1194950

Czech Republic
Business undertaken subject to the Czech Forwarding Agents’ General Terms of Business and §273 Sect.1 Commercial Code.
Code 5500 Company incorporated in the commercial register at the district court of Prague section C insert 21526
UID/VAT CZ49678329

Business undertaken subject to the German Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp).
District Court: Munich
Managing Director: Thomas Peters
Reg. Office: Zeppelinstraße 1, D-85399 Hallbergmoos
Company Reg. Number: HRB 140059
UID/VAT: DE813030375
ISO 9001:2015 certified

Hong Kong
Business undertaken subject to Company Standard Trading Conditions. This Company is an individual member of the FIATA.

Business undertaken subject to the Hungarian Forwarding Agents' Standard Terms of Business (ÁSZF)
Domicile: 2360-Gyál, GLP Logistics Centre, Gorcsev Iván utca 1
Company Reg.Number:13-09-124441 at County Court Pest, as the Court of Registry
UID/VAT HU10891748
Tax No. 10891748-2-44
ÁSZF in Hungarian

Business undertaken subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Freight Forwarding in India.

Rep. Office of Thailand; Business undertaken subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Freight Forwarding in Thailand.

Business undertaken subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Freight Forwarding in Malaysia.
Commercial register no. 910921-U issued on August 9th, 2010 Kuala Lumpur District Court: Kuala Lumpur, Legal Domicile: Kuala Lumpur

cargo-partner Network B.V. is a member of FENEX – the Dutch Forwarding Association. Business undertaken subject to the Dutch Forwarding Conditions, latest version, including the arbitration clause, as filed by FENEX with the court registry at the District Court(s) in Amsterdam (Rotterdam, Breda and Arnhem), are applicable to all our activities. Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam. Company Reg. Number: 24393100 UID/VAT NL815498093B01
Op al onze werkzaamheden zijn de Nederlandse Expeditievoorwaarden (FENEX condities), laatste versie, gedeponeerd ter Griffie van de Arrondissementsrechtbanken te Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda en Rotterdam op 1 juli 2004, van toepassing.
All activities are subject to the Dutch Forwarding Conditions, latest version, as deposited at the Registry of the District Courts at Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda and Rotterdam on July 1 2004.

People's Republic of China
Business undertaken subject to CIFA Standard Trading Conditions. This Company is an individual member of the FIATA.

ATTENTION! There is no transport/marine insurance automatically covered for your shipment. In many cases there is no liability of carriers, e.g. natural disaster or General Average. Our liability is subject to the limitations set out in the WC, MC, CMR, CIM, AWB or the terms and conditions on the B/L.  Further declaration of cargo values at transport orders, invoices or any other documents determine according to our services on the basis of the General Polish Forwarders Conditions (OPWS) no increase of our limitation of liability.

By request we organize transport insurance (premium, procurement, handling, transport consultancy), (optional door-to-door coverage), covering damages at on- and offloading, general average deposit payment and in case of damage/loss up to full cargo value. Transport insurance (premium, procurement, handling) is only taken out upon your explicit written order and is subject to the General Austrian Transport Insurance Terms and Conditions (AÖTB) in the valid wording.
District Court: Warsaw
UID/VAT PL5222349705

Uwaga!!! Przesyłki nie są automatycznie objęte ubezpieczeniem transportowym/morskim. W wielu przypadkach odpowiedzialność przewoźników jest wyłączona np. w wypadku klęski żywiołowej czy awarii wspólnej. Nasza odpowiedzialność podlega ograniczeniom ustalonym w WC, MC, CMR, CIM, AWB lub w warunkach czy postanowieniach wskazanych w B/L. Dalsze deklaracje dotyczące wartości towaru wskazane na zaleceniu spedycyjnym, fakturze lub innym dokumencie określone zgodnie ze świadczoną przez nas usługą na podstawie Ogólnopolskich Warunków Spedycyjnych (OPWS) nie zwiększają zakresu naszej odpowiedzialności.

Na żądanie oferujemy ubezpieczenie transportowe (obejmujące składkę ubezpieczeniową, zamówienie, obsługę oraz informacje o stanie sprawy), (opcjonalnie ochronę door-to-door), pokrywające szkody przy załadunku i rozładunku, płatność depozytów przy awarii wspólnej i w przypadku szkody/straty do pełnej wysokości wartości towaru. Ubezpieczenie transportowe (premium, procurement, handling), jest wykupywane wyłącznie w przypadku pisemnego zamówienia tej usługi w sposób zrozumiały i podlega Ogólnym Warunkom Austriackiego Ubezpieczenia Transportowego (AÖTB) w obowiązującym brzmieniu.
KRS 0000121547 Sad Rejonowy dla M.St. Warszawy,
VAT No. PL 5222349705

Business undertaken subject to the USER Standard Terms and Conditions in the valid wording.
Comp. Reg. No. J23/797/01.11.2000
District Court: Buftea, Ilfov
UID/VAT RO13499400

Business undertaken subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Freight Forwarding in Serbia.
Domicile: Beograd
District Court: Beograd
Company Reg. Number: 17561545
UID/VAT 103394687 (PIB)

All transactions are subjected to the Standard Trading Conditions published by the Singapore Logistics Association, which in certain circumstances limit or exempt the Company's liability. www.sla.org.sg/stc
This Company is an individual member of IATA and FIATA.
Commercial register No. 200805355K
District Court: Singapore

Slovak Republic
Business undertaken subject to the General Freight Forwarder's Conditions of Association of Logistics and Freight Forwarding of the Slovak Republic in the valid wording.
Domicile: Bratislava
Commercial Register of the District Office Bratislava I, Section Sro
Company Reg. Number: 31358152
UID/VAT SK2020329278

Business undertaken subject to the General Slovenian International Forwarders' Conditions.
Domicile: Ljubljana
District Court: Ljubljana
Company Reg. Number: 1/05751/00
UID/VAT SI52847349

Sri Lanka
Business undertaken subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Freight Forwarding in Sri Lanka.

South Korea
Business undertaken subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Freight Forwarding in South Korea.

Business undertaken subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Air Freight Forwarding and the General Terms and Conditions of Ocean Freight Forwarding in Taiwan. This Company is an individual member of the FIATA.

Business undertaken subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Freight Forwarding in Thailand.
District Court: Bangkok
Company Reg. Number: 0105551031259
TAX / VAT number: 3032990820

All transactions entered into with Cargo Partner Nakliyat ve Lojistik A.S. shall be subject to the restrictions stipulated in the UTİKAD Standard Trading Conditions

Business undertaken subject to the NCBFAA standard terms and conditions of service. FMC: 17534NF
C-TPAT SVI# a94c5548-f7c4-49ff-86f6-43d5343c522b

Business undertaken subject to the General Standard Terms and Conditions of the V.L.A.
Reg No. 411022000722, issued by People’s Committee, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Legal Court: Ho Chi Minh City